Friday, August 13, 2010

A bit of seriousness...

Ironman training is tough! I mean, it really is...

Full time job, family, friends and then you choose to carve out (a significant amount of) time for something "you" want to do. ("You" as in, it's no one else's problem but your own- you chose it, so "suck it up, buttercup") I'm not complaining. I love it... and I hate it.

A friend asked me tonight... what exactly do you love about it? Is it just the bragging rights? What??

That's a fair question, I think bragging rights can be true, but that's not the whole truth...

The love for Ironman is so many things... but mostly it's the emotions you feel before, during and after that make it all worth it.

It's about someone telling you, you couldn't do it. And about whispering to yourself, "yeah, I'm not sure either". It's about purposely putting yourself up against a huge feat.... that most won't try. And saying, "Why not!? I can be strong too".

It's about the physical. The mental. The sacrifice day in, and day out, to train. The structure. The joy. The amazement... at your body and your mind's capabilities. It's looking back at the past 6 months (or three if you're part of the family) and recognizing the sweat, pain and beers you had to get across the finish line.

It's about that one day. Finishing. The endorphins. Not the medal so much... as the metaphor of looking back after you crossed the line... knowing you conquered. You stepped up. You negotiated. You pushed. You cried. You numbed self doubt. You fought hard. You didn't settle. It's about facing yourself and saying, "You can do this!" It's that "turn" in the day, where you decide "I will do this!" Deciding, no more negative self talk! No one's in my way. Nothing can hold me back. Not the cramps. Not the fatigue. Not the exhaustion you feel both mentally and physically. Not the night time that has descended. Not the idea that it's impossible to travel 140.6 miles in less than a day...

It's about, "I did this and no one can ever take it away". It's being in the Ironman family. It's exclusivity. It's elite status. And the end to a journey that you can't quite sum up in one word and do it justice. It's overwhelming... It's amazing. It's the best day of my life... and above all it's crazy.

Right now is the hardest part of training for me... the race is so close, and yet, so far away...

We need to focus on getting to the start line... and that is where the true pain/discipline/mental toughness/physical strength/determination begins. I say this because, oftentimes you're exhausted here and ready to just "get 'er done". But, you still have work to do. You still need to keep your eyes on the prize... it's still pretty far away.

Thanks to everyone for your support to our Family. Even if your support is just simply reading about our crazy adventures... understanding our temporary withdrawal from society... or the emails/phone calls of encouragement...

We thank you because it's pretty intense...
...Ok, maybe not that intense.

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