Friday, July 9, 2010

It's official, we're delusional!

As if you're surprised... no one really deserved a gold star this week.

Monday, Adult Supervision and I headed over to Club Noon with Nova. It was my first time back in the pool with them since 2007 and a couple things I learned here:

  1. They still have cute boys in the fast lane.
  2. I can survive an hour swim!
  3. Adult Supervision's suit IS super cute!
  4. It's still really uncomfortable talking with people while showering in the locker room after practice. I'd prefer to do that after we have clothes on, thanks.

But most importantly, I realized I need to suck it up and reactivate my membership with NOVA, cuz I won't get this type of workout on my own. And so now, I'm a member of the NOVA club... again.

Onto the rest of the week, and I think you'll agree, but The Family has officially lost it.

  • 2010 Shannon: 1 swim + 1 bike + 1 run every week = a belief I'll be running right along side Lisa Bentley at the finish
  • Adult Supervision is trying to convince me that her nights watching the Tour de France actually count as rides
  • Goldilocks is counting his 1 mile run with Ritalin Dog as a workout
  • Adult Supervision actually started a sentence with, "well, I just did an Ironman"... back at Lake Placid... in 2006
  • It really comes as no surprise when Goldilocks loses his gear. They are always put in weird place (i.e. Garmen in the hamper, goggles in his center divider, water bottle on the side of the house) but he has no problem blaming either 2010 Shannon of taking it or Ritalin Dog of eating it
  • We have caught ourselves standing on the corner, dressed for the long bike ride, with coffee in our hands, just gabbing away... realizing there's no one we're waiting on.
  • It always takes two people in The Family to help one member figure out the nutrition math for the day.
  • When Goldilocks gets pregnant, he won't drink.
  • We started talking about doing Vineman Half next year. Again, because we can wine taste afterwards...

Onto some good news: We rode almost 5 1/2 hours + 50 min run Saturday. Sunday, we turned around and did a 16 mile run in Huntington Beach!

7 weeks to go... at least 14 swim practices, 14 bike rides, 28 runs. Surely we can do that??! Can't we??

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