Thursday, July 1, 2010

We're really gonna work out...

After the serious sit down on Sunday, the group hit the training schedule pretty hard. Well, we're trying.

Adult Supervision is on summer break so she can workout 24/7. Does she? No. But it's nice that she has the option.

She did, however, break down and signed up to do Club Noon (aka noon swim practice with Nova - where you tan as you swim). The highlight? People just LOVED her new swimsuit! (Adult Supervision has wonderful fashion sense!) Oh! And she swam with Jason Lezak.

2010 Shannon showed up for the beginning of the week (or at least on Tuesday) and so I headed down for my 5 mile run on the treadmill. At this time Goldilocks called me.

Here's how the conversation went:
"Hey, are you really going to work out tonight??"
"How far are you going?"
"5 miles, why?"
"I need a drink, Lola is killing me" (Lola, the dog that needs Ritalin)
"Give me an hour and I'll meet you after the run..."

Then there was Thursday night's text exchange:
2010: Are you working out tonight?
GLKS: Does walking Lola count?
2010: Depends, on how hyper is she. I need motivation to get on the bike...
(couple minutes go by)
GLKS: Did you find your motivation?
2010: No, cuz I'm still working
GLKS: Is that the only reason?
2010: No, but it's a pretty good excuse

As you can see, Goldilocks and I are enablers.

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