In other words, we are in the thick of it . Or we should be.
The thick of it is that phase when you're extremely fit and trim, but also VERY tired and fried! That moment in the schedule where you still have work to do but you're so sick of swimming, biking, running, that your head's about to explode. Riding a fine line to burn out mode. But the only option you have is to continue to grind away at the schedule.
The good news about our Family's (lack of a) training plan is even when in the thick of it, we don't have the burn out mode! In fact, I think those reading this should thank us for finding a way to be in the thick of it while still avoiding burn out mode! Train late, train little and recovery often. That's it. Burn out solved! You're welcome!
Onto the weekend report:
So, Friday, 2010 Shannon had planned to do an hour swim. Originally it was to do the buoy lines in CDM. Then it turned into swim at the club. But by the end of the day, I didn't swim but met up with Goldilocks at a fabulous Shabu place near my house! I hadn't known about the restaurant in the area so again, I felt it was progress for the week...
Saturday was the big day. The Family had to get a 4 1/2 hour bike and 40 min run in. To be honest, we all slapped ourselves on the backs for a job well done. We did 2 loops (1 full loop and one out and back to Jamboree) through The Canyon. We had the hills, the wind and some completely Clueless biker who wouldn't let us pass on his left... all those obstacles and yet we still had plenty of energy for a 40 min run.
Saturday was a HUGE feat for me, personally. I finally nailed my nutrition! Here's my run down:
- Breakfast- 150 calories of oatmeal + coffee
- 3 bottles - approx 400 calories (3 scoops of CarboPro and 1 Motortab)/bottle
- 1/2 package - cliff shot blocks 100 calories
Sunday the group bypassed the 4th of July 5ks and hit the trail for a 14 mile run. Adult Supervision did hers in Huntington Beach. Goldilocks and I did ours at the Backbay.
Goldilock's and 2010 Shannon decided to try a new Recovery Drink at 333:
Adult Supervision stuck with her tried and true drink, but she admitted it was kind of boring.
Here's one final thought to end the weekend...
As I mentioned, on Saturday we encountered a "Clueless" biker who wouldn't let us pass him on the left. Hm, technically that's not true... He wasn't clueless. This man was perfectly happy riding along at his average clip... until Adult Supervision and I came up on his wheel ready to pass. Clueless decided he didn't want two girls to pass him. So he proceeded to ride in the far left hand side of the bike lane (those who don't know this it's not only proper etiquette but also safe for faster riders to pass on the left), refusing to let us pass and unsuccessfully trying to pick up his pace. After a few minutes, and because (we think) he wore himself out we passed him... on the right. Goldilocks just sat back and laughed as the whole thing played out.
Here's my point: People, this is an individual sport. Everyone has their own fitness and it varies depending on your goal. We aren't out to beat you. We are out to beat ourselves. Do not take it personally if we happen to pass you one morning because, as I've said in numerous other posts, there are hundreds of times when we are also getting passed... and sometimes that's by people who wear clip in sandals with socks.
So, stop letting your pride get the best of you and let a girl/someone older/a person with a double-wide stroller/etc pass you. Pull to the right, say a quick good morning and wish them a safe ride/run. We've got too many other obstacles to deal with on the open road, we don't need to fight each other too.
... and I'm off my soap box.
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